Thursday 23 June 2011

Special Occasions and Knives

There is a link between the two things that are part of the title.  If you are a part of my family it will be immediately obvious to you.  For the rest I shall explain, and then there is something to think about at the end.

In my family we are not so good with knives.  Most of us, at one time or another, have had pretty severe cuts from accidents while cooking.  These tend to happen on or around special occasions (see I told you there was a link), Thanksgiving, birthdays, holidays etc...  We actually aren't that picky.

Yesterday I was whining to my mum that I had cut myself with a knife (hurts a lot but nothing to worry about) and it wasn't even a special occasion.  My wise mum said to me that every day is a special occasion.  This statement made me think.  What an interesting philosophy to live by.

Seems to me that if we can live by this, then we wouldn't have any regrets.  We go to special lengths to make special occasions well special.  We dress up, see people we might not see very often, eat good food, drink good drinks, generally there are presents.  What would it look like to live this way every day?

I think it would mean making every day special in some way, either doing something nice for ourselves or for someone else.  It would mean making more of an effort to be in touch with people who are important to us, whether in person, telephone, email, letter, smoke signal or carrier pigeon (if you know where to find one please let me know as I have been looking for one).  It would mean cherishing everyday and the moments in it, good or bad, because as most of us know special occasions are also a time of stress and can sometimes lead to blow-ups.  I think it would also mean taking care of ourselves and living without regrets.

There is one downside in my family in that it may mean a few more cuts, perhaps a few more stitches or bandaids (but hey, Johnson and Johnson needs to make money also right?).

This has me thinking a little about how I would make every day special for me.  Still thinking but I believe it to be a good goal.  Anyone want to share thoughts on this?


  1. It might also mean letting go of the bad things, the stress, imagined (and real) injuries, and accepting that people aren't perfect. It should for me but I don't always do what I should.

  2. Very well said Danielle!

  3. I love your post today, Danielle - very inspiring!
