Thursday 2 June 2011

Re-imagining my life

I feel like I have come to the point in my journey where I can let a lot of the past go, at least for now, and focus on the future.  It is exciting and scary to re-imagine my life.  Or, likely to be very frank, give myself permission to imagine my life for the first time.  What will it look like?  What do I need in it to make me happy?  What do I want to do?  What is important?  How do I structure it to find the balance I need to stay grounded?  I finally understand that I get to pick.

For so long writing out all of these questions would have sent me into a panic attack.  Now, I feel scared and excited, but not anxious at all.  I feel more and more alive everyday.

1 comment:

  1. I'll keep this short for once, Danielle, because this is about you. "Good for you!" I hope the next part of your journey is full of wonder and pleasant surprises. You deserve it. ;-)
