Friday 10 June 2011

Shared Experience

In a different context I was part of a discussion about the difference between a support group and a social group and someone was worried about using the social group for support.  Often in our lives we need the help of others, but don't really need an official support group.  In my view the social group is a good place to turn.  Knowing the experience of others is maybe all we need to think about our own situation in a new way.  I was talking to a friend yesterday and we got talking about the fact that everyone has hardship and challenges in their lives, everyone has a story to tell.  I saw an interview on CBC by someone I don't know and likely never will, but her courage in sharing her story gave me courage to share mine.  So, don't be afraid to tell your story, in whatever context.  You never know when it will help someone else.  I truly believe that our actions have ripple effects far greater than we will ever know.  You might think you are only sharing it with one person, but look at how many times I have insight on here from friends.  I'd be willing to bet that it resonates with at least one other person who tells it etc...

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