Sunday 17 April 2011

Rediscovering dreams

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a writer, probably since I learned how to read, although my mum says it is since I was 2 (apparently I was a strange child...).  But I gave up that dream in grade 8.  My language arts teacher that year told me I wasn't a good writer and should give up the thought of ever becoming a writer.  And that thought has stayed with me all these years, from a woman who's name I can't even remember.

I have decided to take back my dream.  Frankly I am writer because I write.  There is something in me that loves writing, that loves the creativity it takes to but ideas together in a way that is interesting to readers, that loves to share ideas and spark discussion and thought.  And I know I am a pretty decent writer also.  Should I study literature and write papers on that, probably not, but that doesn't interest me anyhow.  I like to write about my observations on the world.  Right now that is a lot about my world, but at some point that will broaden.

And so I will write.  I will write this blog, I will write essays, I will write a journal,  I will write.  I was talking to my mum yesterday and she was brainstorming ways to make a living from writing.  For me, right now, that is not even important.  I am writing for me right now (well and all of you).  If someday that turns into something, fine.  If not, at least I get to do what I love to do.

Anyone want to share their dreams that they abandoned?  Or didn't abandon?

1 comment:

  1. Write, Danielle. You can do it. Thoughts and feelings are like birds: they flit by and are hard to catch or hold on to. You are a sensing/feeling person. I suspect you’ve always been that sort of person. Writing allows you to capture those thoughts and feelings, but it also opens a window to those thoughts and feelings for others. To translate those thoughts and feelings into words is a wonderful gift, Danielle. It is a wonderful process! Welcome to the club!

    I gave up the ghost a long time ago, when life got in the way, but I returned to it recently by chance. That’s a long and boring story and I’ll save you from it. Somehow along the way, I wound up on a different path than I’d set out on. I, too, was going to be a writer full stop. Part of what compelled me back to writing was dealing with my own issues when my world crashed down on me (or maybe I just stopped juggling and caring). Writing about my own thoughts and feelings helped my deal with them. And somewhere in that process I was rewarded: I (re)discovered my voice. I would never give up writing again. It was the me I was then; it is the most true me I know.

    I have been fortunate to be embraced by the writing community, whom I’ve found to be warm and inviting and wonderfully diverse. I’ve had more than my fair share of success at it. I would love to introduce them to you one day. However, making a living from it would be difficult. I tend to donate the money I earn from writing back to the small publications who publish my work. I could never live on that little anyways (and it goes to support small publishers). Although I must admit to one vanity, I keep my contributor’s copies (but never read them).

    I think you have some stories and insights to tell. I would be honoured to hear them. And in this process you too will find your voice.
