Friday 29 April 2011

Drug effects

I was up at 4 am this morning, no not to see the royal wedding, but to shake off a nightmare.  One of the major side-effects from the anti-depressants I take is weird dreams.  For the most part they have been pretty harmless, although generally very bizaare.  Once in awhile, like last night, they are pretty scary.  Depression usually has the effect of making people either sleep a lot or not sleep much at all.  For me it sleeping a lot and not waking up much in the nighttime.  Now I wake up way more often and try to shake off dreams.  In some ways it seems counter-productive as getting enough sleep is one of the keys to managing depression.  However, the benefits far, far outweigh the crazy dreams.  If this is the price to pay for no longer living in a fog, I'll take it.

1 comment:

  1. As an ardent Jungian I think an active dream life is healthy. Dreams are a way for your subconscious to tell you something important and immediate. Don’t avoid your nightmares. Dive into their cold, green waters and explore every detail of the cave. Within every nightmare is a message written only for you to decipher. Those messages unlock doors and break down walls. Embrace them. It is a way forward.
