Monday 26 September 2011

Stress and Depression

Lately I've been feeling pretty down again.  Not as bad as I was once, but still not great.  My job has also had a lot going on.  I've been trying not to let it get to me, but I haven't been succeeding.

When things are going ok, or are pretty low key I seem to be able to manage just fine.  When things get difficult or stressful, I find I am having a hard time letting the stress go.  This is turn makes it harder for me to cope with things.  I've been trying to tell myself that it is just work and that it is not causing me stress.  Ha ha, nice try.

What I can see though is progress.  I am thinking about this and wondering what to do, instead of feeling just plain awful.  When I can see myself doing this, it makes me feel better in some ways because I know that even though I am feeling down and feeling like I am having a tough time coping, I am better in some ways.

So then, I guess the next question is what to do?  How to manage this situation in order to feel better?  Recognizing what is going on is the first step.  Knowing that the deadlines and the intensity at work is getting to me is critical in the path forward.  Remember what importance and value I put on work is also important.  Remembering that while work is a good thing, it is not everything and I don't need to let it be everything.  Remembering that I care about my job, but it is not at the top of my list of things to care about.  Remembering that I am doing the best that I can and that just has to be good enough.  And knowing that this situation is temporary.

Ok, this is helping.  It is helping me to see that my reaction is not entirely about the current situation, some of it has to do with some previous trauma in my life.  It is also helping me remember that I value lots of things in my life, a number of them way more than my job.


  1. Great clarity there. Sorry you're having a bad time. Keep drawing on those new coping skills. I hope you'll be able to look back on this episode of your life with a sense of accomplishment for getting through it. Good luck, take care, and best wishes.
