Tuesday 2 August 2011

Stories and Pain

The other night I heard the stories of a couple of people I know.  They were difficult stories to hear and obviously difficult times for these people.  In a lot of ways what happened to them was worse than things that have happened to me.  Sometimes when I hear these things I feel bad for how messed up I have been when things could have been so much worse.

But on some level I know that this comparison is pointless.  The things that caused/cause me pain are unique to me.  There will always be people worse off and better off than me, but that doesn't lessen my experience in any way.  By paying attention to how I feel, and not putting judgement on it by comparing to what might have been, I am better able to connect to who I am really am.  This also allows me to feel my feelings, deal with them, and move on.  When I do this I am also better able to appreciate the good things in my life.

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