Monday 20 August 2012

Covering old ground

It's been a tough weekend in may ways.  I was thinking the other day about what I want in life and the old thought of "who am I to deserve to want anything?" came to mind again.  It would be ok if it was only a thought, but it is not.  I thought I was finished with this idea.  Guess not.  I find myself feeling completely insecure again and so unsure of myself.  I'm not entirely sure why or where this is coming from.  Work to do.


  1. I can confidently say you deserve all of the things you want. Just like everyone, you won't always get everything you want, even if you do deserve them, but you are a marvelous person who is deserving of it all.



  2. Thanks Cindy. I'm trying to remember that.

  3. Especially as women, we tend to put others' needs, wants, desires and wishes before we even consider our own, let alone believe we CAN have desires, wishes, wants and needs. Someone told me once, if I am not taking time for myself and finding out what these are for me, how could I possibly be able to help someone else??? Easier said than done steps...and I also have confidence that you can do it too. Hugs.

  4. maybe try asking yourself ""who am I to deserve NOT to want anything?"

  5. Nicole - thanks
    Les - great perspective, thanks.
