Wednesday 18 April 2012


Shortly after I started my medications, I read an interview with someone who said that for her to live a productive life there was no room for complacency in it.  I didn't really understand at the time, but I am slowly starting to.

I know that exercise and nutrition are two ways to keep myself feeling ok, and yet I have let both slide of late.  It's so easy to convince myself I'm too tired to do anything, when in reality I am tired because I am not doing anything.  It's a vicious circle really and a hard one to stop.  I'm working on it again.  I'm working hard at a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise everyday.  Hopefully I can achieve that.  I'm pretty sure it will make me feel less tired and more able to handle things.

Wish me luck and perseverance.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there sweetie, it's good to work on it, and it's good to love and respect yourself and honour your own pace too. Sometimes when we 'slide' on doing what's good for us, there is something in our lives looking for some attention and never know, maybe there's something your soul is trying to reveal. HUGS
