Sunday 27 April 2014

Talk about mental illness and mental health

I had an interesting experience the other day that made me think. Something about a new friends facebook posts made me wonder if he also was living with depression and anxiety. This week I asked him about it. He said yes, and that the only people that seemed to figure it out were those with depression and anxiety as well. This is what got me thinking.

I wonder if it is only people living with mental health challenges that notice or is it that those are the people that ask about it. I know it was a bit tough for me to ask him as I didn't want to intrude or assume, but I did it anyhow. I know that mental health is still an uncomfortanle topic for so many people. Me too sometimes.

So, do people not talk about it because of the stigma or because they are uncomfortable, ot they don't know what to say? Likely a combination of these things and a bunch of other things as well.

Talking is one of the best ways I have to feel ok. Knowing that people are there is so important. Showing care is really what makes a difference to me, and I don't worry about the content as much as the sentiment behind it. And so, I would encourage you all to talk to other people. If you suspect someone is struggling, ask them. You might be wrong, sure. But, you might be right and that might be just what that person needs. To know someone cares. And you never know, you might have an interesting conversation like I did.

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