Friday 17 January 2014


After reading a friend's blog this evening I am inspired to write, just for the sake of writing.  Truth is I am exhausted today - one of those stages at work where it takes over my mental and physical energy.  They happen and are short-lived so I shall survive.

Anyhow, my friend was writing about what makes him amazing and it got me to thinking.  One thing about me that is amazing is the courage I have shown myself in the last 3+ years.  You never plan on a depression diagnosis.  You never plan on what seems like copious amounts of therapy.  You never plan on coming to terms with your sexuality at age 37.  I couldn't have foreseen any those things happening, and yet they did.  Facing them and dealing with them was difficult to say the least.  I am so thankful to have found the courage to do so.  Externally my life is pretty much the same as it was 3 years ago, but internally I can't even describe how different it really is.

I hope that I have learned the lesson that things that take courage are worthwhile.  Taking a chance, taking a risk these are the things that are important.  The outcome actually is less important than the action of trying something different, tackling tough stuff head on.  I didn't know I had that kind of courage.

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