Tuesday 13 August 2013

Saying Good-bye

Tonight at group the facilitator announced that she will be closing the group at Christmas time.  Ever since then I have been trying to figure out how I feel about it.  Sad, kind of.  Relieved also.  Scared, anxious and nervous - yep.

Sad because it will be weird to be out of the lives of the people I see every week right now.  Scared, anxious and nervous... this is one of the ways I currently use to work through things. It is one of the tools in my tool kit.  It would be one thing if I had decided that I was ready to leave.  But, the decision is being made for me.

Relieved.  The thought has crossed my mind a couple of times to think about how I would know when it is time to leave the group.  A few times of late when I have been there I have left feeling that there is so much emphasis on the bad things in life there.  It's not that they don't happen, it's just that sometimes it feels like I am looking for something bad so that I have something to talk about.  We talk a lot about emotions like anxiety, anger, sadness... but never really about joy, happiness.  It's not bad, but I have been finding myself frustrated by it in some ways.  I want to experience all that life has to offer, not just the tough stuff.  But, the truth is I am not sure I will feel ready by December.

And so, I guess for me it is a mixed reaction.

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