Thursday 4 October 2012

Good stuff

I was reading a post on someone else's blog tonight and it got me thinking.   The commentor stated that they often wished depression was terminal just so the could see an end to the anguish.  This comment struck a chord with me.  I used to wish the same thing.  At least then there would be some end in sight.

I realized that I no longer wish that.  Depression is likely something I am going to live with for the rest of my life.  I'm learning to ride the ups and downs.  The thing is, there are so many things in my life that I would hate to miss out on.  And these are the same things that give me hope when things are not so good.  The list is long, but here is a sample: being a part of my nephews lives, my family, beauty, unexpected connection with people (which often happens because of sharing my story of depression), accomplishment, learning, growing....

If I can focus on these things on bad days, it doesn't make the bad days go away, but it does make me remember why the effort is worth it.

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