Monday 30 July 2012

Nerves and more nerves

Tomorrow I am going to start going to group therapy. I'm nervous.  Truthfully, I'm pretty scared.  I'm not entirely sure what to expect.  This has been a long time coming.  I first talked to the psychologist about it in March. Due to a lot of factors, tomorrow is the day.

Since March I have talked myself in and out of it about 100 times.  But, I do believe that it will be good for me.  As far as I can tell, it takes being in a better place in order for it to be helpful, so here I am feeling better to a point.  And now, I will try something new.  Even as I write this I have a knot in my stomach.

I need to remember to take my whole self into the room tomorrow.  Not just the crazy nervous me.  I need to remember that the other people in the group have been where I am.  They were new once also.

1 comment:

  1. proud of you my takes courage to change and even more to share the journey so openly...:-)
