Friday 27 July 2012

This and that

When I logged on today to write this blog, I realized that it has been more than 3 weeks since I last wrote one.  A good sign to be sure.  The desperate need to sort out what is going on with me is waning some.

It's been a month of good things.  Time with family and friends.  Vacation.  A few dates as well.  Some dodgeball, and the great people I continue to meet that way.  Many times I have found myself just being... just being in the moment and living life.  It's an incredible feeling.  It's so nice to be able to live and feel alive.

It's been a month of challenges.  Some things to think about and process.  How to manage stressful situations without losing it.  How to deal with people that challenge me.  How to take care of myself when there is so much pressure around me to do things differently.  The thing with all of this is that I am learning.  It's not always easy and I don't always react the way I would want to... but I am learning.

Learning that if I don't take care of myself, eventually none of the pressure will matter because I won't be able to handle it.  Learning that there are just some things in my life that have to be non-negotiable.  Like sleep and exercise and eating right.  It's doesn't take very long for a lack of these things to make me feel like I can't cope.

Random thoughts for today.

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