Friday 24 October 2014

When Bad Things Happen

This week has been a tough one for most Canadians. An act of terrorism occurred in Ottawa this week. A soldier was killed, the parliament and most of downtown was locked down for hours. The whole country was affected and shocked.

So, what about me? Unexplainable acts of violence are so difficult for me. I think it is difficult for a lot of people for sure.

I am what the psychologists call a highly sensitive person, or other people call an empath. This means that I feel things with other people more than the average person. In some situations this empathy is great. It helps me to connect with people in their joy and sorrow. It let's me understand other people on a different level.

Not only do I have depression, I have some PTSD. I have been the target of unexplainable acts of violence, mainly psychological, but violence none the less.  These kinds of acts are certainly triggers for me.

And so, when horrible things happen I have a hard time. I feel the horror, the fear, the confusion, the anger. I feel how close I am to being overwhelmed by it all, which has happened not so long ago.

I am horrified by the acts of the week. I did however manage to find ways to take care of myself through it all. I checked on my friends. And then I took a break from the events. The news and twitter stories were the same over and over again, so I shut them off. I went to play dodgeball. I know that without taking care of myself there is nothing I can do.

I know that any kind of violence will continue to bother me a lot. I will continue to look for ways to keep myself ok through it.

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