Friday 24 October 2014


Sone days I think that with all the work people are doing to end the stigma around mental health is working. I see the stats that say that the stigma is still going strong, but I so rarely see it in my own life that I find it hard to believe...and then somethimg happens to shatter my illusion.

Recently I told someone that I have been feeling a bit low and that it feels like a depression dip. His answer was effectively to look at all the people that have it worse than me and to snap out of it because my life is pretty good.

At first I was angry about the reaction, and in some ways quite frankly I am surprised that this reaction came from this particular person. But, after some time I am not so angry, but it does make me realize that there is a lot of work to be done.

Depression is not just feeling down. If I could snap out of it when I feel that way, I would. It's not that easy, but boy do I wish it was.

So, what will I do? I will keep talking and not letting stigma and ignorance push me into hiding. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This is not something I chose, nor is it something I brought on myself. All I can do is live the best way I can every day and try my best to help others in the ways that I can.

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