Wednesday 12 February 2014

How things really are

I have been struggling a lot in the last while. I feel down, overwhelmed, and unable to cope. I also was having a really hard time admitting that I need help, again.

I am exhausted by it all. I feel worn down. I just want a rest from it. If I read those three sentences from someine else, I would probably think they are struggling with depression and might benefit from some help. Why then is it so hard for me to see it when it is me?

I did take some constructive steps. I went to my doctor. I took a week off work to get some rest (although I have been so sick with a cold that I would have been off anyhow). I went to a new counsellor. Hopefully these things will help. Hopefully I can find that spark again. Hopefully the darkness will lift.

I will admit that at the moment I am not feeling optimistic, but that could also be because I feel so lousy.

How can you help? Check in with me, that is the biggest thing. Ask me how I am, but only if you want the true answer. When I feel like this, that is what I need. Places to be honest. I have a tendency to isolate when I feel lousy. Help me to not do this.


  1. I read all of your blogs. I send them out to family members. Often they comment that it sounds so much like me. This one certainly does. I have a tendency to isolate and simply stay at home where I am most comfortable. It just seems like too much work to go out even though I know it is the best thing for me. If it helps to put more thoughts down feel free to write me any time Danielle.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Dave. Thanks so much for checking and for your email. I am hanging in. I went out dancing last night, which is always good for the soul. I am a bit less overwhelmed by it all, but still working through it.

  3. Excellent, hope you have a great Tuesday. I am going to keep checking on you. Dave

  4. Just checking on you Danielle. Everything ok?
