Friday 18 December 2015

Stress, or the lack therefore

I was talking to someone at work the other day.  She is at a fairly high level in the organization, and currently she is working on a special project.  She said that sometimes she feels guilty because her job is so much less stressful than a number of other people who are at the same level.  Then she said that she guessed the same could be said for me and my job (as I am one level lower than she is, and and working on a special project).

It got me thinking about where the assumption comes that we feel we are overpaid if our jobs are not stressful?  I think this is a difficult notion, especially in relation to mental health.  Then, I got to thinking about my job and if my colleague is correct?  I've concluded that in my case she is not.  There are really three types of circumstances that cause me a lot of stress, unreasonable time pressure, unclear expectations, and interpersonal interactions that trigger PTSD for me.  Currently, none of those circumstances are present.  Should they be for me to be paid at the level I am?  I don't think so.  For the work I am doing currently, being well thought through and accurate is more important than getting it done in a hurry, and the expectations of what I am supposed to be doing are clear.  As for the PTSD, well I never quite know when that will flare, but that is less about the work environment and more about me anyhow.

I have been in my current job for just over a year now.  When my doctor took my blood pressure 2 weeks ago, it was lower than it has been in a long time.  And the lack of feeling a lot of stress at work has made me more productive, not less.  I make a lot fewer errors, and the quality of the work I produce is certainly better than it is when I feel a lot of stress.  All the things the experts say are playing out in my world.

And, as an added bonus, I feel like I have energy to deal with more of the things in my life that cause the PTSD.  This is not a fun process, and it requires a lot of emotional energy.  In the end, it does make me better able to deal with the situations that can trigger it.

I wonder if there is anything I can do about the automatic assumption that so many people make that work has to be stressful all the time?

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