Wednesday 10 June 2015

Growing Old

Somedays the aging process seems like a lot.
You notice that your eyes don't see as well
You notice that your ears don't hear as well.
You notice that you forget words mid-sentence.
You notice that your body isn't the same, and you know those changes will continue.
And you wonder if it is worth it.

And then you hear of your sister's friend dying of cancer.
You hear of a police officer shot dead.
You remember the people you have known that died younger than you are now.
You remember the people you knew who died at only slightly older than you are now.
You think of the ex-coworker, who you met when he was 15, battling cancer, fighting for his life.
You remember the day you thought life itself wasn't worth living and nearly took your own life.

And you know that aging is worth it as there are so many people that don't get to.
You know that they would give anything to say I love you to their spouse one more time.
To see their children grow up.
To have another beer with their buddies.
To keep living this crazy thing we call life.

And so, you take a deep breath and launch yourself back into life.
The joy, the sorrow, the love, the pain.
And you remember that you are privleged to live another day.

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